Three months ago I started looking for new book titles and new different philosophy about digital madness and social marketing. I have spotted one hint about this book The End of Business As Usual: Rewire the Way You Work to Succeed in the Consumer Revolution in one of (The VP of Digital Marketing at NOKIA )Chris Schaumann’s tweets about a Slideshare presentation he made for some speech he was giving in a university. After that I have instantly picked the title of the book to list in my digital library to consume.
—Mark Cuban
The book talks about the digital Darwinism and how all businesses are threatened. How the survival is only for those who understand disruption and create a culture of innovation and urgency to move on faster. The extremely changing measures of the marketing industry and the way business are functioning to sell, as it describes what was highlighted as the consumers revolution and how it is totally different now as customers are the co-creators for the brand not the brand managers. There are Scary facts that most marketers and business owners today, are not looking into them seriously as mandate ideas for sustainability.
What role are brands playing today and how do they look like , marketing driven or market-driven! Collective experiences of consumers are the true character of the brand, so how does your brand character look like!
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives , nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that most adaptable to change” – Charles Darwin
The Rise of the Golden triangle of technology (Mobile , social, and real-time). Mr. Solis covered in a beautiful narrative way the importance of the 3Cs of information commerce (Content, curation and consumption). For starters and advanced professionals in marketing and digital in specific, this book is a precious reference for many important topics that can be implemented and utilized immediately at different scales.
I usually read and highlight the tips and tricks in the context in short formatted notes to refer to whenever I need to. what I have realized that most of the notes I wrote, were full paragraphs and long lines of highlights. Why is that! Because it is amazing best and comprehensive enough to apply anytime for any business, if most of what it says is followed.
My only take is that i am really sad that i have only discovered this book few months back.