Questions on the industry in Saudi Arabia
TV, Radio, Print, Mobile, Social and Customers DB ( CRM ) are different channels of communications, that brands use to communicate with the audience, so is there a strategy for multi-channel management ?
Social different forms of communications and consumption of different forms of content is dominating the online scene and adapting to human and technology quick change, Facebook has around 5,5 M monthly active users from KSA, Twitter is ranking Saudi arabia as #1 with 52% engaged, Youtube receives the highest number of video consumption per person from Saudi, Keek has 34% of its traffic coming from Saudi, Tumblr and Instagram are big and growing fast… list continues and won’t stop… so what efforts Brands in Saudi Arabia are doing to adapt to social?
What kind of relationships brands build with their customers and why ?
Mobile has # 190% penetration according to CITC Dec 2011, it is an emerging awesome channel that people are hooked up to 24/7 non- stop .. Instagram my meal at Fudruckers, check in to Dunkin Donuts by Foursquare, tweet bad customer service at the hair saloon, etc etc What are the measures that brands have planned to utilize this huge opportunity ?
In Saudi Arabia local and international brands are making business, most of them jumped into the digital platform, communicating to the audience , buy this , review that, check those out , try some visit and redeem and more . so what kind of language is fitted there , do they speak local, glocal or machine translated ? are they aware relevancy of the social and cultural dynamics , what works what doesn’t ?
Customer experience online vs offline is becoming a hot topic defining the purchase intent of customers every day, have brands looked at this piece and how does their face look online?
With the rise of online communication forms, people are reluctant to continue doing the old ways of finding more on the stuff they want to buy, services or products, still it is becoming a challenge for brands to adapt to that and be online offering awesome experiences for the audience to interact and discuss! No room for broadcasting anymore , as social feeds are filled up with Ads/ offers / Spam ,going head to head with personal social updates from family and friends, how awesome is the brand to talk to me before or after an update from MUM on her Facebook ?
These are the main topics that this blog will cover, from different perspectives covering different industries. Have your say on more ideas you think would be good to have covered as well.