IDFA stands for Identifier for advertising. In a typical app advertising journey, the user sees the ads and clicks on it, then this IDFA (user anonymous information) is passed to the advertising network and the advertiser (brand) can track the user for remarketing and réengagement. This was an easy and simple process. With Apple new IOS14 this will change as users will have the option to turn this tracking off, and it is reoorted that an average of 20-30% of users are doing it. Plus as a developer (app owner/brand ) has to implement measures to make sure that the app warns the user when they install it to give permission for this feature.

What is Ios 14 idfa
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Startups usually focus on cultivating app installs organic and paid channels and care much about reengagging with their users after installing the app. This is more of broadcasting nature in targeting and building potential users pools (audiences). Yet, If this option is no longer viable then what is the way out? Even android is following the same approach with AAID, but in a different way by allowing users to choose what feature(camera location, etc) they give permission for.

They need proper marketing which focuses on the basics (get their permissions before talking to them). Inbound marketing is the way out. In a detailed approach to define a target audience and build message and actions structure tailored for them. Taking it in a step by step manner starting from building awareness, getting interest, being preferred then converting prospects to customers. No shortcuts no mass shooting for winning.

How does IDFA impacts startups